Fast Food

No one can deny that fast food is often very delicious. Yet, it contains flavour نكهة, colours and even chemical additives إضافات which are harmful to health. Some people think they save time and effort. Nowadays, companies and restaurants which manufacture يصنع fast food do their best to attract their customers, either kids or adults. A lot of money is wasted on importing fast foods.

However, fast food contains a high percentage of calories سعرات حرارية and unhealthy fats. It’s important for us to eat well-balanced متزن (به كل العناصر الغذائية) food to keep healthy.

We should eat tasty meals containing natural vitamins which are necessary for building up our bodies. Meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits are all useful to us. It’s surprising that some rich people depend completely on such food considering it as a sign of aristocracy أرستوقراطية.

Finally, we should really care for our health and practise physical activities to stay fit.

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